It was the usual intensely hot summer day in Dallas. My kids, 4-year-old and 5-year-old, were happily playing in the fenced backyard. Sometimes they’d play with water too and get all drenched. They had a habit of running in out of the house for something or the other.
Our house, as all houses here, has central Air Conditioning. When we turn it on we have to shut all the doors and windows so house can cool down. But when they play in the heat in backyard, get drenched in water and run back and forth into the house the temperature is too extreme for them. The get goose bumps and shiver. So, sometimes I’d turn the Air Conditioner off and leave the patio door open for them so they’d not feel the extreme temperature variation. It would be a bit uncomfortably hot for me inside the house – about 90 degrees F. but I didn’t want them to catch a cold. So that day too I had the Patio door open and it was super-hot in the house.
I was going about my daily chores. In the back of mind, I had been pondering over a concept for a while-Abundance. I questioned what the Masters meant when they talked about the concept of Abundance. Spirit is limitless therefore it is abundant, I thought. But as physical bodies where is the abundance?
There seem to be limited resources to go around but even these resources also came from somewhere. There are all the news and propaganda about resources we are running out of. There seems to be a constant sense of ‘Lack’. Is this feeling of lack that makes people fearful or is it the inherent fear that gives a feeling of lack? So much fighting and suffering at all levels comes out of this sense of lack. Where is this abundance or feeling of abundance?
Perhaps it’s a simple concept for many people to grasp but it was totally eluding it. It is my nature that when I become curious about some concept I become obsessed about knowing its answer. The question plays in the back of the mind even if I’m not consciously aware of it. I ponder about it when I can and I try to dissect it with my mind. But I also wait patiently knowing that answer will come when it’s right time or when I am completely ready to receive it.
I know the Divine messages are everywhere if you are open to it. They come from things around you, activities around you, from some words you suddenly read somewhere or from some words someone might say and in so many other different ways.
What is Knowing?
Knowing is the impact of ‘getting’ the message in a way where you can say the proverbial light goes off in your head, that ‘ah ha’ moment, the ‘Yesss, yesss, I get it’ moment, the ‘Oh God, why didn’t I see this before?!’ moment. I’ve said it a lot of times, “OMG! I heard these words so many times before but now I KNOW what they mean’. That knowing comes from deep within as if you become ONE with the answer, you feel it in every fiber of your being.
Knowing is not an intellectual, somewhere up in the brain understanding. You feel waves of sudden clarity. You feel like that’s the first time you really understand the answer even though you might have heard similar words hundreds of times before. That knowledge becomes part of who you are. The interesting fact is that many times your mind may not be able to figure it out that knowledge but your being understands it. You may consciously not be able to explain it but there is a deep satisfaction, ease, peace and joy of having the clarity.
Once you ‘know’ this knowledge you no longer have to intellectually remember it. It becomes part of your identity. Just like you identify with your name. You don’t have to ‘think’ about what your name is.
The Fight
When kids were playing in the backyard I was in the kitchen. I still had the Abundance concept rattling away in the back of my mind.
Suddenly my daughter ran into the kitchen from the backyard, grabbed a stainless steel glass and filled it up with some ice cubes. The refrigerator I have makes ice, stores it and dispenses it with push of a button. If you take out some ice it automatically generates more.
She went and sat on the floor of the family room and starting eating the ice cubes. This is something my kids didn’t do. They weren’t fond of eating ice cubes as I have seen other kids do.
I was curious about her new interest. I came into the family room too and sat on the couch watching her. I love watching children’s activities anyways. They are so full of vibrant life, innocence and spontaneity.
After couple of minutes my son joined us in the room. He was also curious about what her sister was eating. He sat in front of her and asked her for some ice too. She gave him a cube. They ate. He wanted another one. She refused. A fight started.
Both were snatching at the glass. “Give it to me”, “No this is mine”. It’s hard to believe but these kids rarely ever fought with each other. They played very well together. At the most they’d complain to me about something annoying the other was doing but not this kind of argument or a fight.
I was very surprised. Surprised because they never fought like this before. Surprised that they were fighting over ice of all the things. Surprised that they were even wanting to eat ice. Surprised that they weren’t noticing that in their fight and hot temperature the ice in the metal glass was turning into water fast.
I finally spoke and said, “Omg, why are you fighting, that too, over ice? Look all the ice is melting already. If you share you will at least get to eat some ice else, it will all melt anyways. Then none of you will have any. And anyways there is sooooooo much more ice in the fridge. Whoever wants it just go get it. It’s not like we are going to run out of it. You know the ice maker will keep making more ice as you keep taking it. Ok, I’ll go get some more ice for you. Stop fighting and eat the ice you do have.”
I jumped up. Went to kitchen. Grabbed another glass. Went to the fridge to dispense the ice thinking about the same thing I had just told them. And then I froze. The answer I had been searching for was right there.
The Flashes of Insight
As long as the fridge is plugged into the electric source icemaker will keep on making ice. The more we take the more it’ll produce automatically. As long as we are plugged into the Source, The Supreme Power, Our Creator, we will have constant supply of resources we need. We don’t have to have the resource in front of us or in our hands but we will have the knowing that we can get it whenever we need. We’ll have the knowing that it is always available for the taking. When you have this knowing you are also open to sharing what you have. There isn’t a feeling of lack. There isn’t an urge to fight. And that is feeling of Abundance.
Abundance is not only in having the resource but also the knowing that it’s available as and when needed. It’s in the asking and receiving as long as we are allowing ourselves to receive it; as long as we are not blocking it consciously or unconsciously.
The insight also came that sometimes when our icemaker is unplugged from the electric source we can get the help of ice from someone who’s icemaker is plugged in. That’s how Reiki and all energy healing modalities work. When we feel depleted we can get help of someone who’s plugged in.
Also, that is how our Guru, a true enlightened Master, helps us. He’s so plugged into the Source that Source and He have merged except for the body form. When we plug into the guidance of the Guru through his teachings and surrender ourselves he gives us Abundance in his form and in his formlessness. He is an eternal inexhaustible supply of electricity for our icemaker.
All these lightning flashes of insights must have completely frozen me for about couple of minutes. I was completely oblivious of the world. When I came to it, still in a daze, I quickly got some ice and went to the family room.
The kids had already left their glass of ice, now all melted, on the floor and were happily playing out in the backyard.
I sank into the couch still shaken up with the quantum download of answers. I was filled with gratitude.
They never did fight like they were fighting then, they never were interested in eating ice…what caused them to run in for a few minutes and put up that whole show? Divine Messengers- they are plugged into the Source 🙂
Happy Messages to all,
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Thanks for posting it Di…jaigurudev
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Namaste! I am passionate about sharing my Spiritual perspectives based on my experiences. I also mentor spiritual seekers so they can heal at all levels holistically and navigate life’s challenges more peacefully and joyfully. I am a disciple of my Satguru, Swami MohanDas Ji Maharaj.
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