I was really, really, deeply struggling with an inner pull to make a major life direction change. How we get stuck in our comfort zones in our little safe worlds? But it is hard to ignore when it is a true calling of your life purpose! Divine messages come in all ways and always to guide us when we sincerely seek!
DO NOT limit God/Satguru in the ways He can guide us. He knows how to get our attention 🙂 There is no way I could have ignored it when He kept turning my car’s rear view mirror backwards!
I had a full time IT career. I loved it! I enjoyed it! It was good steady income! It was very comfortable too….until it wasn’t. I felt I needed to work lesser hours, more flexible hours and spend time on something else of more spiritually fulfilling nature. I had no idea what that fulfilling thing would be.
There was so much hesitation in making any decision. There was so much fear of the unknown. A thousand What Ifs brought up anxiety.
What If I let go of this job and then I still don’t know what really I’m supposed to be doing that’s fulfilling? What if I am no good at whatever this other pursuit of happiness I’m get involved in? What if new job of flexible hours, lesser hours doesn’t work out? What if I am back to square one? Will I feel totally stranded? I worked hard to get to this point now I want to throw it all away? What if it all leads to financial hardship (Which actually did happen!! Click here to read my other post about it “Beyond Confines of Time – Alternate Reality”. What if everyone gets super angry at me and ostracizes me?
Thoughts kept jumping all over: I will fail. I will be criticized by the whole world. No will support me. It’s is not good to take chances. I will feel shame and embarrassment because that’s how I felt in the past anytime I didn’t measure up to the self imposed standards or anyone’s criticism. Am I strong enough to handle all the changes bound to take a momentum of their own? What do I really know about anything?
All the past incidents that had ever happened in my life kept popping up in memory; all the times I had felt I failed, or felt shame, or I was fearful, or was wrecked with doubts. It was a roller coaster ride of thoughts and emotions. It was restlessness, lot of stomach churning….Mind can be our worst enemy if we let it run amuk!
Maybe others didn’t go through this kind of churning when making such decisions, may be it was easy thing do for them…but not for me.
I realized if any external change in reality was to happen it would first have to be inside me. I needed to pray for strength to take the leap out of comfort zone. I needed to decide and show my willingness and commitment to change.
Despite all the fearful noises inside the head I started doing affirmations day and night “I am willing to change”. Every time I’d fall into doubt and fear I’d intensify the affirmation, “I am willing to change”.
In about three weeks amazing changes happened within me! I actually had the confidence to change! It was as if all that affirmation had sunk into my inner being. I had so much more energy available which was previously being drained in all the roller coaster emotional rides! I was smiling more, walking straighter, dressing smarter…..ready for a new consulting job in my current IT field that would give me opportunity to transition over to a whole new career once the IT consulting contract was over.
With new found confidence, in no time I was at the new consulting job. Everything was several times better than the previous job! This time, though, I decided I wouldn’t get into a comfort zone again; I would keep searching for my ‘other’ fulfilling career.
I found it! Or I should say it found me! My calling was to be doing Energy Healing; healing with laying on of hands.
This was early 1990s. Who in the world had heard of Energy Healing? Not anyone around me in my immediate reality!!! No one even knew what it was!! How could anyone quantify something like Energy Healing? This was almost 180°, opposite from the very analytical and logical career world I was in!! What proof do I have that I even have any ability to do any energy healing?
Again, all the previous nagging fears, doubts, anxieties started taking over. This time I didn’t even have the strength to pray for strength to make this giant leap!
One morning I got in the car and my rear view mirror was turned around! “Hmm, how strange?” I thought, “maybe I hit it with my purse yesterday when I got out of the car”. I straightened the mirror and off I went to office.
I got back in the car in the office parking lot to go back home. My rear view mirror was turned around again! “Really? Again? I don’t remember hitting it hard enough with my purse. But maybe I did” I thought. I straightened the mirror again and drove off.
A couple of days later- same thing again!! “What is this?! Is my mirror so loose that I hit it with my purse and it turns around? Or maybe my toddlers turned it around? But the mirror doesn’t appear to be loose at all!” I decided next time I would be very very careful getting out of the car to not hit the mirror, (even though I was sure I wasn’t hitting it at all) or have my little ones play with it either!
I started being very careful,watching that mirror wasn’t touched by anything or anyone. And so, the mirror didn’t turn anymore!
And then it happened again!!! a few days later. “Unbelievable! You know maybe some prankster is getting into my car at night somehow by unlocking it and turning the mirror around.” I straightened the mirror. I drove to a shop to pickup a package waiting for me. There wasn’t anyone else around that early in the morning. I wasn’t out of the car maybe more than two minutes. I got back in the car and the mirror was turned around again!
I panicked, “Oh my God! There is someone hiding in my car”. Ready to pass out with fear I hurriedly checked the back seat and even the trunk of the car. No! no one was there. This was not strange anymore, it was scaring me. Interestingly, the mirror incident stopped happening and I forgot all about it.
I had begun to practice the Energy Healing techniques on myself. Interesting shifts had started happening internally; but, I still had all the doubts and fears present about any future career changes.
One fine day I had a particularly wonderful day at work. All happy I got into the car to drive back home and the mirror was turned around again…..it surprised me but it didn’t scare me this time!! Somehow it made me laugh. I figured the Divine was just wanting to play with me and make me laugh.
Next 4-5 times the mirror incident happened randomly and it became a playful joke for me. I would laugh a lot every time I saw it turned around:-)
Until ultimately one day it wasn’t a joke anymore. Finally I got the feeling that this was happening to deliver a crucial message to me. I was supposed to pay attention to the symbolism of that repeating mirror incident. What could the message be? I was thinking hard now, I was very serious, I wasn’t laughing anymore.
Do you think I was able to figure out the message right away? No! But the mirror stopped turning around right away. It never happened again.
Many days went by but it just didn’t occur to me what the message could be. Up until then I rarely ever had any contact or conversations with my Guru Ji, Swami Mohandas Ji, unless I visited India from USA where I lived. Even if I had conversed with him about any of what was going on I know now that he wouldn’t have directly told me anything. He wanted me to figure things out on my own, find my own answers from within and make my own decisions- good or bad. You See, a Master is like a personal trainer. He knows what is best for each student’s spiritual growth.
I was desperate to find the meaning of message and it kept eluding me. Until, one day I absentmindedly picked up a book in the library and the words jumped out at me like a flash of lightening “STOP LIVING YOUR LIFE THROUGH A REAR VIEW MIRROR”.
Any other day I might not have even noticed these words. Even if I had I would have probably forgotten them soon after. But now they stood out bright and clear. And they still stand out as strong especially in times of any major life change. 🙂
We are creatures of habit. Habits repeated over and over again become belief system. Then we live on automatic pilot – thinking and reacting to life in ways that don’t even serve us anymore. Even if we realize that some of the old thinking and reacting patterns are obstructing our spiritual progress it takes a lot of conscious practice to change and break those patterns.
I, also, realized that only way to get rid of fear was to walk through it. There was no running from it. There never, never, never is. These limiting belief systems find you sometime, somehow if not in this lifetime then in another! They are a stalker of special kind and there is no Protective Order you can get from any court of justice but through your own inner self.
I took the quantum leap. Many other miraculous events happened between then and me changing my ‘career’ but I did do it! After that life became even more stream of miracles …..
I am a work in progress but have come far far away from where I would have been. I’ve kept practicing to not live my life through a rear view mirror!
If you seek, if you open your heart and ask you will see, hear and feel Divine guiding you in millions of ways! Have you been willing…………?
Blessed Be
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Namaste! I am passionate about sharing my Spiritual perspectives based on my experiences. I also mentor spiritual seekers so they can heal at all levels holistically and navigate life’s challenges more peacefully and joyfully. I am a disciple of my Satguru, Swami MohanDas Ji Maharaj.
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