I got many comments, including some questions, on my Ocean and Wave analogy in one of my earlier articles Unique Expression of Divinity. Since it is summer time let’s visit the Ocean again.
So, here you are at the beach. I know you are very popular and probably are with a whole bunch of wild fun-loving people with lot of running around, playing, noise and beach activities planned.
But for our story to continue here I need for you to take a few quiet moments out to observe the ocean.
It’s sunset scene. Beautiful breeze and nice cool sand (I have to put this in here to make your beach experience more enjoyable :-)!). Moon is almost visible. All around is still and quiet except the Blue Ocean and its waves…
Watch the Ocean. There are waves upon waves, big ones and small ones, short ones and long ones, overlapping each other as they rise and fall. It goes on nonstop for hours and hours. All of this activity is on the surface of the Ocean.
But Shhhhh…deep down under the surface of the Ocean all is perfectly still and calm!
That is how we humans need to be! That is how our Enlightened Masters exist and that is how they want us to exist. They descend among us time and time again in human form to show us how to be Enlightened too.
To live and enjoy the Cosmic Play on Planet Earth in human form we can only do so if we come to the STILL point within, deep within ourselves. It is that feeling of Peace. This stillness stays untouched by what is happening on the surface just like depth of Ocean is untouched by all the waves happening on its surface.
This stillness deep inside is the Presence of God within. “Joy is not the absence of sorrow, it is the presence of God”.
Life Happens! Ups and downs happen. Roller coasters of events and emotions come and go carried on the waves of Sorrow and Happiness….overlapping sometimes, sometimes one after the other, so often simultaneously and many times in random order!
When we are not Still inside we are taken for a wild ride, body and spirit, wafting about in the ocean of life like a broken boat rising and sinking on the waves of sorrow and happiness.
This condition is nerve-wrecking, creates dis-ease, and leaves us unfulfilled.
Typically, we spend our entire lives trying to make everything SECURE for us, to hold on to happy times and prevent bad times or somehow alter the bad times. That is the proverbial Wild goose chase. We are trying to achieve the impossible.
This impossible fight causes more unhappiness, depression, anger and all that emotional havoc. “It needs to happen MY WAY” is the ceaseless slogan.
But, it is against the laws of whole of the Natural World. Everything in Nature is always changing and shifting. Only thing unchangeable about Nature is Change!! It can’t be stopped.
We, humans, are made up of same five elements of Nature. Same law applies to us and the world we live in.
Our Masters, our Gurus, teach us – let go of the impossible fight. You can’t stop the Waves from happening. SURRENDER to the Almighty Power and that is how you WIN the GAME.
Detach from your surface, like the Deep of the Ocean is detached from all the activity on its surface.
Detachment is NOT Hate, it is NOT Apathy, it is NOT Cynicism and it is NOT Sadness. It is the opposite of this; It is Love, it is Compassion, it is Acceptance and it is Joy. It is Witness Consciousness.
It is setting of boundaries of what is allowed or not allowed to intrude your inner space and disturb you. (Next post will be few more tips and tricks for cultivating/enhancing Witness Consciousness).
Take a few slow deep breaths while completely focusing on your breathing, file this message in the front room of the brain for constant reminder, pack all the belongings and let us go home……..our soul’s home….deep, deep, deep within in the total stillness, calm and pure Silence.
Blessed Be,
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Namaste! I am passionate about sharing my Spiritual perspectives based on my experiences. I also mentor spiritual seekers so they can heal at all levels holistically and navigate life’s challenges more peacefully and joyfully. I am a disciple of my Satguru, Swami MohanDas Ji Maharaj.
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