Love is an extremely powerful word. Love is what drives the Universe. We are all living and dying to feel Loved by somebody or by something; running,running, running on that maze of a spinning wheel to get somewhere or have something or somebody or be something or somebody so we can feel Love and Loved!
Now it is here, Now it is gone. It came and now it disappeared and it came back again and now … Where did it come from? and Where did it go? I use you in the name of Love, I get used by you in the name of Love! This ever elusive Love!
It is very important to be able to distinguish which level you are operating from in which relationship so a balance can be maintained and achieved.
Do you Love me? Did you ever Love me? Will you Love me tomorrow? Now, if you loved me you would……;
Let’s catch hold of this Love and put it on the chopping block for a bit of investigation. A dissection of so-called Love reveals the following:
In relationships, in very simple terms, “Love” is mainly of three kinds. At the –
Physical Level: Here both the people are present physically for each other. I use your physical body to satisfy my needs and as long as you are allowing it be so I Love You. It is almost like a business deal, each one a utility for the other. Both are saying you work for me and I will reward you. In any marriage this aspect is necessary. There are so many practical and survival needs to be dealt with-Food, Shelter, Clothing etc. When husband and wife take care of each other’s physical needs we call it Love- A Loving husband, a Loving wife….
Mental Level: Here the Mind gets involved, Imagination gets involved, Fancy Ideas get involved. Here a person projects his ideas of who or what the other person is or should be and Falls in Love with the idea of that person.
It is most common type of Love we see in ‘romantic’ relationships. It is meeting of the minds. It is removed from practical reality. Your physical presence is not crucial as long as I know you Love me in your mind.
I have expectations of you to be a certain kind of person and as long as you fit into that mold I Love You.
If you give me attention, appreciate me, talk to me, make me feel good about myself I will jump through hoops and do anything for you because I believe You Love Me and therefore I Love You.
Soul Level: This is merging of the souls; one dissolving into the other. Here physical presence is not necessary at all, in fact physical body is not even a consideration at all.
It is a NO-MIND zone. It is a pure experience!
All physical and mental boundaries are lost. One doesn’t know where one ends and the other begins. No words are needed. It is pure Silence. It transcends Space and Time.
You don’t just Feel Love, you Become Love.
Typically us human beings experience all three Levels in varying degrees in our lifetimes and even day-to-day life. But if two people in a relationship are operating from two different levels towards each other it leads to much instability and roller coaster stressful journey.
Spiritual Masters have warned us about our ‘MINDS’ . Mind is akin to a monkey constantly jumping about here and there, repeatedly changing its place. Haven’t we heard so much about our ‘State of Mind’?
Our loving emotions for the other person wax and wane based on our State of Mind.
Today I like the ‘idea’ of who you are and what you are doing so I will “love” you forever…. but come tomorrow my ‘idea’ of you will have possibly changed, so the ‘love’ disappears. All the human relationship dramas happen at this level. This is the ‘Drama of Love’ that drives all the soap operas, the movies, the ever-changing relationships.
Our ideas of other person are our ‘expectations’ of the other. Change your expectations for more or less and see your state of mind shift!
Soul Level Love is the Divine Love. That is how God Loves us 24/7. This Love knows only to give and give some more. Unconditional Love. Constant Love just for your Being, just for who you are …..AS IS.
God gives us freely but we, operating from Physical Level or Mental Level love, shut our own selves from receiving or being present in that purest form of True Love.
We see, feel, perceive, interpret and judge the other being based on the level of love WE are operating from.
Enlightened Masters are living in the LIGHT. Light that is Pure Love, blended and merged into the Ocean, becoming the One. They have taken on human form for our sake, to show us and guide us how to live and operate from our Divine Selves- the Divine Love, the Soul Level. A Master’s human form is only a bundle of cells in formation so we can connect with Him since we have become incapable of connecting in His formless state.
At the Physical Level when a person says I– his sense of identity is his body.
At the Mental Level the I- his sense of identity is his own ideas.
But at the Soul level – when someone says I- he has no identity of individual self for he is the Cosmic Self and it is the Cosmos – the Divine, speaking, walking, living, operating through him. This Love is all sustaining, ever Present, ever Constant.
So, will you still Love me tomorrow? 🙂
Blessed Be. May your life be filled with Love.
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Although the word LOVE is defined differently for everyone in this physical world, I personally believe that there is only ONE kind of love, and only one — at the “soul level”. Unconditional love is the only form of love, for it is the TRUE form of love. Everything else is merely counterfeit.. A lie, if you will, in the NAME of love. Conditional love is only a role we play for ourselves and for others. Unconditional love — TRUE love — is not solely an experience.. Experiences come and go. Experiences are an illusion. The true, unconditional light of love is EXISTENCE. When you are, when you feel, when you become the very essence of love, that is when you know what it is like to truly exist. To love, is to be.
“My love is unconditional, your actions are irrelevant. “
Anonymous, You explained it Beautifully 🙂
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Namaste! I am passionate about sharing my Spiritual perspectives based on my experiences. I also mentor spiritual seekers so they can heal at all levels holistically and navigate life’s challenges more peacefully and joyfully. I am a disciple of my Satguru, Swami MohanDas Ji Maharaj.
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