Astronomers have been making astounding discoveries of our Universe. Of course, the research will keep continuing and there will be even more mind-boggling discoveries.
Our Planet Earth is in our Solar System- Milky Way Galaxy.
But do you know how many other planets are in our Solar System?
30 billion planets!!! That’s just in one Galaxy!
Do you know how many galaxies have already been observed in our Universe?
100 Billion Galaxies!!!
That brings the estimate to be about ” 10^21 (that’s 1 then 21 zeros) planets in the observable Universe.”!!!
If such is the mind boggling vastness of observable physical universe can you imagine how many levels, planes and dimensions there would be in Astral Realms?
Let’s visit an oversimplified version of astral realms for a quick overview.
Each spirit within each human vibrates at a certain frequency.(higher frequency= higher Astral level)
When a spirit leaves the body it enters the astral realm according to its vibration/frequency.
As the spirit detaches from the body it realizes, with the help of other spirit beings, that its physical body is no longer part of the spirit journey.
For some people who go through traumatic or sudden death, their spirits may take longer to realize that they are no longer part of physical body.
Just like when we go to the Airport there are several terminals with many gates where planes are going to a lot of different destinations. People go through security checkpoints and then wait in the waiting area before boarding the plane.
Similarly incoming new spirits go through security check-points! They temporarily get to experience the same version of astral realm that matches their deeply held beliefs and ideas when they were in their physical body.
e.g. Christians might experience the Light and spirit realm as Jesus, Mother Mary or Angels. If someone had very deep belief in Sins and Hell they may experience just that. Hindus might see Lord Rama or Lord Krishna.
It is almost like spirits are allowed to get their beliefs out of their systems by experiencing the astral realm just as they believed it would be. It, sort of, serves the purpose of cleansing and purging all earthly deeply held emotions and ideas.
This whole time newly arrived spirits are guided by higher beings of higher frequencies to heal and realize their pure divine selves. Some spirits will move on to higher frequencies super fast and some will take a while. But space and time are not measured the way it is on physical realms, so it doesn’t matter.
You can say Spirit Realm is like a huge University!
Just like a University has many buildings, numerous Courses, lot of professors and students are grouped by the Subjects or the Major they are taking. Similarly, Spirits are grouped together by the vibrational equivalent of spiritual subject matter they are supposed to be working on. There are several higher spirits assigned to coach the new ones.
Here again the Spirits are able to review their most recent life and sum total of all earthly lifetimes from a Divine Perspective and learn how to correct their mistakes. They are eager, very eager to get back into a physical body to have another opportunity to ‘fix’ their previous errors.
Because, you see, the only way Spirit will know if it has learnt the lessons is to come back in physical body and apply in practice all that had been learnt in Astral Realm.
You can say the spirit realm is like a University and Earthly physical plane is the testing examination center. 🙂 Pass or fail and final GPA is calculated at the end of last breath of physical body!
Spirit is meant to progress to higher and higher realms and frequencies after each earthly lifetime.
This brings me to one of the main reasons I am writing about astral realms. For those who need some solace I hope to lessen your fear, pain and confusion of death and afterlife.
When our loved one physically separates from us (even to go away to another State or Country) we feel very sad. But when our loved one leaves the whole physical existence grieving is very natural and necessary!
But many people continue grieving for many many years. Many get very angry and bitter at God or Universe. Many feel survivor’s guilt. Some are in pain because they don’t know what happened to the departed Soul. They think the departed soul is suffering the same earthly pains as it did in physical body. They continue to be sad for departed dear one and unable to move on with their own lives.
Picture this:
If you were studying in a University and your family kept calling you everyday then how would you be able to focus on your classes? or if your mom kept crying and asking you to come back home- how distracting that would that be for you? In such a case how can you be at peace at the University and move ahead with your coursework?
Similarly, Astral Realm is like a spirit University where lessons for further Spiritual growth are being learnt although completely surrounded by Divine Love, Light and Peace 🙂
When we, in physical bodies, keep grieving beyond reasonable time for our departed loved ones it is an unnecessary distraction for the Spirit. A big part of wishing a departed souls to RIP (Rest In Peace) is to remember them lovingly, to learn from all their goodness, to celebrate all the joy they brought in our lives, but also to ‘release’ them in God’s hands to move on to higher lessons and frequencies by letting go of our own grief and sadness.
The departed soul is surrounded in infinite love and light in the Astral Realm, free of all pain and suffering associated with human body and mind!
They are still ever present just not in a physical body. Millions of people have documented how they have received and continue to receive ‘messages from heaven’ from their loved ones who have crossed over! Even if you don’t recognize their messages in waking state they contact you in your dream state. Isn’t it so?
As we remember and honor the lives of all soldiers who have served, lived and crossed over to the astral realm on this Memorial Day let’s pray their souls Rest In Peace!
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Namaste! I am passionate about sharing my Spiritual perspectives based on my experiences. I also mentor spiritual seekers so they can heal at all levels holistically and navigate life’s challenges more peacefully and joyfully. I am a disciple of my Satguru, Swami MohanDas Ji Maharaj.
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