My GuruJi, Swami Mohandas Ji, once said that a human’s life is like a game of Snakes and Ladders!
It is a game that takes a while to complete! We have to take a break (leave the body), rest for a while (in astral realm), clean up (get fresh perspectives), change into clean new clothes (take on a new body) and get started on the game again. In other words- Reincarnation.
(I enjoy analogies especially that simplify abstract concepts. Please know that I wish to offend, challenge or convince no one about their ideas. I espouse no religious dogmas. My Guru Ji taught and encouraged only universal way of life which is what I derived through him. What I write about and what I speak about is almost entirely through my own Spiritual experiences and knowledge gained thereby or conclusions drawn so far which, I’m happy to find out that they happen to be confirmed by thousands of other documented reliable sources)
So, here is a little story to clarify the concept of Reincarnation in summary form.
Picture This:
A father runs a very successful business. He is the wealthiest in the whole world but he wants to expand his business further.
He asks for volunteers to go to the remote city, called Earth, of this country, called Milky Way, across the globe to gain experience.
It is one of the riskiest ventures for the person going there. The atmosphere of that city is so dense that it affects the brain in a way that person can lose all memory of who he is, why he is there or where he came from.
The father hopes that his son will go to acquire the knowledge and experience to be able to run and expand the Company as he himself has. His son volunteers.
The son is very enthusiastic about this venture too.
This mission is so tough that if the son succeeds he can be promoted in ranks much faster. But it is so risky that if he fails he will have to put in much more effort to restart building his career. It is also risky because the Country, Milky Way, allows a person to enter their country one time only.
The son, John Smith, studies the rules of the country and city he is visiting; he studies the laws he needs to follow to represent his father and conduct the business in his Company’s name. He decides on what he needs to wear while he’s there since it’s a very different climate too.
Also, the only way he can enter the country is if an Earth family sponsors him from Earth. He manages to arrange for a family to sponsor him! He gets his passport and Visa ready in his name as John Smith.
Soon after arriving though he starts partying and drinking! He forgets many of the rules and laws. He starts signing willy-nilly contracts all over the place that don’t even represent his father’s Company!
His Visa expires and he goes back. He opens his luggage and is shocked to find out all these signed contracts that had nothing to do with his father’s Company!
“I know better! How could I have done this?” he exclaims.
He knew he needed to go back and sort out all these contracts he had signed up with all these people all over the city Earth! He knew some people would be so angry or hurt that he had disappeared.
But according to the Earth rules he couldn’t go back as John Smith. So, he disguises himself as Jason Johnson. He finds a new family to sponsor him.
People didn’t recognize him in his disguise but many who had become close to him earlier could detect some familiarity for good or bad. This posed some hurdles but he started working on undoing his contracts. But, in the process he got side-tracked again into forgetfulness. Also, in his drunkenness he’d forget where he had come from, the limited time he had before his Visa would expire, who his father was or what his own mission was or what his Company’s mission was!
John’s (disguised as Jason) father called him daily to remind him of the reason of his journey but couldn’t talk to him because battery in all of John’s electronic devices was dead. He didn’t even remember to plug the devices to charge them up!
To his credit John (Jason) did take care of and undo some contracts but, alas, acquired many more of different kind from different people or similar type of contracts from the same people as before!
Bit of a mess, isn’t it? So guess what happens? The whole cycle repeats again.
Except this time he disguises himself as a woman, Kristina Schlotzky. Last time around in his drunkenness, after the type of contracts he had signed, the best way for him to undo or fulfill those contracts this time around could have best be settled if he went in the guise of a woman.
He goes in again with a different family sponsoring him this time. The same story repeats in varying degrees.
He goes there again and again in different disguises as Kim Chung, Raj Sharma, Koji Fukuhara and on and on and on……Every time he feels he’s stuck there, he complains, bemoans his situations and predicaments.
But eventually, he starts remembering more and more and forgetting less and less. He becomes wiser. He starts realizing he doesn’t have to complain of being stuck because he had always been Free. He remembers this journey is not a punishment but an incredible opportunity of his own choosing for self growth like possibly no where else!
Until finally he is able to keep the light of rememberance! He is able to fulfill all contracts and not sign on any more unnecessary contracts! He completes all his commitment to his father’s Organization and returns back as the most senior of all officials after all the lessons he learns in one of the most difficult and riskiest of places that not very many volunteer to dare venture!
Happy Ending 🙂 John knew that that he had a promise of a Happy Ending to this Earth Journey!! It was only a matter of time.
John knew that once he succeeded in fulfilling his mission the resource of knowledge he’d bring would expand the father’s business infinitely more.
Happy Ending to Reincarnation to whatever else we want to call it- Nirvana, Salvation, Moksha, Liberation….
Blessed Be.
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Namaste! I am passionate about sharing my Spiritual perspectives based on my experiences. I also mentor spiritual seekers so they can heal at all levels holistically and navigate life’s challenges more peacefully and joyfully. I am a disciple of my Satguru, Swami MohanDas Ji Maharaj.
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