Saturday Jan 28, 2017 I was saved by timely Divine Intervention from either being dead or being in ICU disabled!
As I say- Do not limit God/Guru in ways He’ll intervene when necessary. This time He communicated to me through my GPS 🙂
For those in Dallas you’ll remember what a gorgeous sunny perfect weather it was that day. I was running errands but around 2:30 pm I decided to head towards the gorgeous Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens which is off of North Garland Ave which is a wide long road that run North to South of city for several miles.
I realized that I had never really explored the Arboretum side of North Garland Avenue. I decided to drive South on Garland Avenue for 25 minutes from where I was to Arboretum and then another 30 minutes in same direction past Arboretum. I would turn around after that to drive back up North for 30 minutes, turn towards the Arboretum parking lot and visit the gardens. Perhaps due to being Saturday, I am not sure why, there was practically no traffic on that stretch of road so doing the long drive down that road sounded like a good idea to me.
Even though it was just a straight shot all the way down Garland Avenue and I knew the way I am in the habit of having my portable GPS on just to keep a better eye on speed limit if nothing else.
When I was about 15 minutes down the road I suddenly noticed the GPS displaying “LEAVE THE ROAD” instead of the usual Street name. I ignored it. But about 5 minutes later it was still displaying the words “LEAVE THE ROAD”. It captured my attention. I was surprised. I’ve used this GPS a lot for long distance driving into all sorts of unknown areas but never saw a display like that. I wondered if my poor over used GPS was broken. When I stopped at the red traffic light I entered three different local and long distance addresses to see if those would display proper street names. They did!
Well, it was certain GPS was fully functional. So, I switched the GPS back to Arboretum address being sure that this time it will display street address. But lo and behold it switched back to “LEAVE THE ROAD” display. I was quite puzzled but suddenly it felt too ominous and a message to get off the road asap.
I hurried up, without breaking speed limit ofcourse, moved off the Garland Ave, went and parked into the Arboretum parking lot. I sat there curious and wondering about the strange GPS display. I gathered my stuff, fiddled around a little bit with GPS and went into the gardens.
A long portion of the Arboretum gardens and walkways runs parallel to Garland Ave separated only by thick high hedges. So your view of the road outside is blocked from inside the Arboretum but you can hear all the sounds of vehicles driving by on the road.
As I was walking in the gardens parallel to Garland Ave (about 20 minutes had passed by since I had pulled into the parking lot) I heard a car coming down the road whizzing by at high speed and then just a very loud ‘BAM’. The car had crashed and collided with another car very loudly. There was no screeching of breaks either, just a car at high speed and then collision.
I froze for a few moments. I had planned to drive on that road for atleast 1 hour, 30 minutes going South past Arboretum and then 3o minutes coming back up North before going inside the Arboretum!! That could have been the high speed car colliding with my car. From the sound of the collision my car would definitely have been totally smashed into pulp. The display of “LEAVE THE ROAD” display of GPS became evident then!
After about 1 1/2 hours later when I passed by that spot the collided cars were still there. One of them was a big SUV. There were NCIS/FBI type of uniformed investigative team conducting investigations of the scene. I had heard no police or emergency vehicle sirens which was strange too. This did not seem like a usual car crash. It almost seemed a like a some high speed chase of an SUV which ended up in a horrible collision. I still don’t know. I searched in news but didn’t find any information about that horrible crash which was still being investigated, 1 1/2 hrs later?!
By the Way, in case you are wondering, on the way back my GPS was displaying normal street names.
I wanted to double check so the next day I repeated the similar driving trip from same point on Garland Avenue towards the Arboretum with the same GPS. Guess what? This time it displayed the street name instead of “LEAVE THE ROAD”!
My Guru Ji promised his devotees “I am with you always”. Isn’t that God’s promise too? Now, this is a another one of countless documented examples of God demonstrating that He knows our thoughts and our actions at all times. He’s Omnipresent,Omniscient and Omnipotent. He knew my thoughts, my decision to drive for an extra hour up and down that road so way before I got there he gave a message through GPS. He hacked into tech device when He wanted to 🙂
All things are possible with God! Do not limit the ways He reaches out to you and for you in ways unimaginable.
Om Shanti,Shanti,Shanti
P.S.- You can comment, share your experiences here and on my community facebook page
What I say about Gurudev ji and Ritu meera bahen ji. I can say this much only. Jai gurudev ji ki. Jai gurudev ji ki.
Jai gurudev Ritu Di.. Yes totally believe in this ….Guruji so gracious…you are blessed. He’s always with you and communicating. Jai Sadhguru Mohandas ji Maharaj Love Ambika
This thaumaturgy really makes us believe that BabaJi is with us all the time.
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Namaste! I am passionate about sharing my Spiritual perspectives based on my experiences. I also mentor spiritual seekers so they can heal at all levels holistically and navigate life’s challenges more peacefully and joyfully. I am a disciple of my Satguru, Swami MohanDas Ji Maharaj.
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